Demographic developments, declining water consumption, as well as the centralization of wastewater disposal, result in extended residence times of wastewater in the pipeline network and an increase in the concentration of wastewater constituents. The remaining oxygen in the wastewater is quickly depleted, leading to the formation of hydrogen sulfide. The increasingly rising temperatures also provide ideal conditions for this process. Negative side effects include odor nuisances, which often lead to complaints from residents, as well as biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion, which poses a threat to the infrastructure. Operators of wastewater treatment facilities are increasingly considering the use of appropriate and cost-effective methods and systems in their planning and rehabilitation processes.
As part of our SULFIDE BALANCE, we calculate the loads on your pipeline network using our software SULFIDUS. The calculation software we have developed helps operators and planners optimize and plan drainage systems to the best of their abilities. With SULFIDUS, it is possible to simulate odor and corrosion potentials of wastewater and dimension and calculate the use of dosages, exhaust air treatments, and compressed air flushes, for example.

Product against odor.
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